Tuesday 26 February 2008

about life, basketball and saying goodbye

It's been silent in Chicago. It's been snowing and thawing, and snowing and frrrreezing. And the night is always grey. Never blue or black. Always grey and forsaken by the stars. Oh right, and the Oscars were on tv last night; some stars there. Not that I watched. I have a life. I guess.

What's up? Not much. We had Romance languages tea on Valentine's day. Amazing and worrying how many people showed up. Amazing because that meant we hadn't made all that delicious food for no-one. Worrying because it confronted us with the fact that linguists don't seem to have a love life. A life we have, though. I guess.

What's up? A lot of sports. Two basketball games last week featuring the Dynasty, the team of roommates Keenan and Kelvin. One game won, one game lost. Both played well. And although the season is over now, the games continue in our living room (see pictures: Kappa Gardens). With the downstairs neighbors as our biggest fans. Or not. No, they have a life. I guess.

What's up? I'm sad. I'm sad because exactly four weeks from now I will be on my plane home. I'm sad because there is so much I still want to do here, but my day doesn't contain 48 hours anymore like it used to. I'm sad because people are the same everywhere and still they touch me more than they realize. No, wait, I'm happy because of that. I'm sad because Griffin (one of my roommates) is leaving tomorrow. No, wait, he's going to be happy back home though, and you can't possibly be sad then. I'm not sad. I have a life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you do have a life. Definately. I am following it. ;-)

Oh and I do agree that the ling meeting on valentines day is disturbing. Guess there is not a lot of chance left for me then ...
